
In the age of the Internet and globalisation, fluid communication across language barriers has never been more important. Translation is therefore essential in many international contexts: setting up operations abroad, internationalising your offer, communicating with multicultural partners... Whatever the sector concerned (medical, legal, financial...), or the type of service (translation, interpreting, voice dubbing...), Alphatrad UK has professionals working in over 100 languages, from the most widely spoken languages in the world to the rarest languages.

How much does a website translation cost?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Website Translations
The translation of a website is characterised by its challenges in terms of optimisation, brand image, and visibility. It can be carried out using software or by a professional translator. The cost of a website translation varies according to the translation method you choose as well as  other factors.  Website translation: idiosyncrasies and challenges
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Which extension should you use to translate a website?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Website Translations
Translating a web page quickly and easily is essential for accessing multilingual Internet content. Downloading an extension can be particularly useful for this purpose. These plug-ins generate automatic and instantaneous translations of digital content. In this article, Alphatrad gives you an overview of the different extensions you can use to translate a page in your browser. What is an extension?
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How do you translate a PDF file?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Technical Translations
Whether it's a technical, financial, literary, or administrative document, translating a PDF file is a complex process with unique challenges, particularly when it comes to respecting the page layout. However, there are effective solutions to achieve optimum results. From online machine translation software to professional translation services, discover the different options available to translate your PDF files efficiently.  
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Importing from China: 6 tips for success
By Frédéric Ibanez, Technical Translations
Thanks to its highly competitive production prices, China, the world's leading exporter, offers lucrative opportunities to traders from all over the world. Importing products from China is not without its challenges, however. Read our advice below on choosing your suppliers, completing customs formalities, finding the right mode of transport, and importing products from China with ease.  
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What are the limits of AI text translators?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Professional Translations
Artificial intelligence (AI) has developed rapidly in recent years and is now a very useful tool for translating a wide variety of content in the shortest possible time and at a low cost. However, despite the many advantages, automatic AI text translators have some limitations that need to be mentioned.  
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Toubon Law: what translations are required in France?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Professional Translations
Passed in 1994 to counter the increasing use of anglicisms in France, the Toubon law helps to preserve the use of French throughout the country. To this end, it requires that content written in a foreign language is translated. Which sectors are affected by this measure? What translations are required to comply with the law? Alphatrad can help you understand these regulations more clearly.  
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Translation of texts from images: How does it work?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Professional Translations
Intelligent translation – translating text from photos – is a rapidly developing technology. Software and applications for translating text from images allow users to obtain near-instantaneous automatic translation from all types of visual material. Here's a closer look at how this type of translation works; its advantages and limitations compared with human translation. 
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How can you translate an Excel document effectively?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Financial Translations
Translating Excel files often involves translating technical terminology specific to the sector concerned, as well as data of various kinds (figures, statistics, graphs, etc.). To translate these documents effectively, you need to follow a few best practices and use appropriate translation methods. Below, Alphatrad takes a look at the different methods of translating Excel documents, their advantages and disadvantages, and the specific issues involved in this type of translation.  
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A guide to languages spoken in Switzerland
By Frédéric Ibanez, International Business
Switzerland is a country of great linguistic and cultural diversity. With its 4 national languages and numerous regional dialects, it is home to a highly diverse pool of speakers. Alphatrad guides you through the languages spoken in Switzerland, which make up the uniqueness and charm of the Swiss Confederation.  
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How can I translate subtitles effectively?
By Frédéric Ibanez, Marketing
Translating video subtitles is an essential step in making your content accessible to a multilingual audience and gaining access to international markets. Our translation and language services agency, Alphatrad, can transcribe and translate all of your audiovisual production subtitles.  
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